A number of fields are already pre-defined in Deployteq, such as name, address, e-mail address, date of birth, etc. You’ll find these under the ‘Details’ tab for the customer. However, we can quite understand that you may wish to add specific fields that apply to you. We have therefore introduced the customer option fields for this purpose.

To create customer options, go to the customer overview without first selecting a customer. At the top you will see the ‘Customer options’ button that opens the fields overview. 

Please note: This option will only be available if this right is enabled for your role. 

You must give your new field a unique name and, if you like, also provide an extra description for internal use. You then select what type of field you need.

The following options are possible:

  • Date
    This field stores a date that you can also use in your profiles to calculate with. For example, the subscription date field is three weeks in the past
  • Date/time
    This field stores both a date and a time. If you perform calculations with date/time fields, you will need to use an interim time of X and Y. If you calculate with IS exactly three weeks in the past, Deployteq will only look at the date/time that is identical to the second.
  • Float type
    This type of field stores a number with decimals. If you choose this type, you can also select how many decimal places you would like to use. In general, this type of field is used for currency, such as total turnover value. This enables you to perform calculations in your profile with bigger or smaller than.
  • Integer
    This field stores whole numbers. Use it, for instance, for IDs or codes that mean something to you. You can also use these later in your profiles. You could also use them, for example, to perform calculations with bigger than and smaller than.
  • Select box
    Use this to create a selection list. This is useful if you only have fixed values for a field so that you can avoid spelling errors and also use these values in your profiles. If you choose this type, you will see a text field in which you can create a new option on every new line.
  • String type
    This field type can be filled as you please, and both letters and numbers can be used.
  • Time
    This field only stores a time.

Lastly, you can index a field. This is recommended if you frequently use a specific field in your profiles or imports. This speeds up the calculations in your profiles considerably, just like the processing of your fields with an import. You could, for example, use this option for an ID that you use as a unique key (although we recommend using the standard field ‘Customer number’ here), or a date field that is often used in your profiles.

Once you have chosen a field type, it can no longer be changed afterwards. You would have to delete the field and create it again.

By default, you have the option of creating a maximum of 50 customer option fields, ten of which can be indexed. If you use a lot of customer option fields, it is advisable to group them, for example by adding a number to the start of the name. If you are only using a field for one campaign, create campaign fields to keep the list clearly organized.

In the ‘Usage’ column, you can see what a particular field is used for, e.g. in a profile, form, or campaign etc. If a field is in use, it cannot simply be deleted. This is only possible if the field is no longer being used.


In the unlikely event that you need more than 50 customer option fields, our Support department can increase this number for you. For more information, please contact our Support department on +31 (0)30 - 698 80 80.


It is possible to delete a customer option that is used in a mailing but this can have consequences for the ‘View online’ version of the e-mail. This is because the last value of this field is always used.